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Very dangerous process is going on in India, institutions are in great danger: Hamid Ansari

On the occasion of the release of the book of Rajya Sabha member Bhalchandra Mungekar, former Vice President Hamid Ansari said that the principles on which the Constitution was proposed were being disregarded.

Pic Courtesy: News18

New Delhi: Former Vice President of the country Hamid Ansari has said that a very dangerous process is going on in India and the institutions of the country are in great danger. He also said that the principles on which the Preamble of the Constitution was prepared are being disregarded.

On Tuesday, Ansari said that people are living in difficult times and it is necessary to react because if it continues it will be too late.

He said, 'We are living in very difficult times. I do not need to go into detail, but the truth is that the institutions of the Republic of India are in great danger. '

He said that the principles on which the Preamble of the Constitution was prepared are being disregarded. He said, 'There is a lot of sophistication involved in this process, so it is not easy for most citizens to understand it. However, the truth is that a very dangerous process is going on. This is dangerous for us, the citizens of the country. '

He made this comment on the occasion of the release of 'My Encounters in Parliament' by Bhalchandra Mungekar, an educationist and Rajya Sabha member. NCP chief Sharad Pawar, CPI General Secretary D. Raja and CPI (M) General Secretary Sitaram Yechury were also present on the occasion.

Ansari said that India's friendly countries are seeing the situation as a situation of danger, while the enemies of the country are happy.

He said, 'So there is something that needs to be noticed, I consider Dr. Mungaker's words to be awakening and to remind us that we are being misled and if we let this process continue then I will wake up It will be too late.


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